Thursday, April 1, 2010

Marijuana and Religion

From Ryan, found in a debate forum:

-Please Read and Listen Fellow Christians and fellow Medicinal users:

You guys put aside all hostilities and government laws.. what it really comes down to is that everything that was made by the hand of God was created to be used without excess (or Overindulgence)

-Alcohol was used for Battle injuries for 1000's of years it talks about it in the Bible for numbing the pain..used in ceremonial purposes as well like the last supper.

-The Coca plant was used as a medicinal purpose as well to treat pain and to numb parts of the body also to speed up the metabolism and to keep people awake when they are to tired, also used it for battle.

-Opium is also used for Combat injuries and suffering, used it in WW2 and Vietnam/ other war abroad aka Morphine used today for trauma patients in the ER.

-Cannabis is a Medicinal plant also, used for Stress,anxiety,eating disorders,sleep problems, Hunger in Chemo,Aids,lowered interocular eye pressure (shown to be effective for treating Glaucoma), MS,Depression,Crohns Disease,nausea,vomiting, Premenstrual Syndrome and even Ashma (if Eaten or Vaporized) all clinically tested and approved for Medicinal Purposes.

-Tobacco used as a stimulant, moves the blood faster, more oxygen to the brain (when eaten)

Great Christian People The fact of the matter is that all these plants (excluding Alcohol) have many purposes that i believe God put on this earth, the problem is that we are Human and the enough is not enough, we Love as a people to over indulge ourselves which leads to addiction.. that's when we sin, that's when we falter. All these creations by God go wrong when man gets to carried away with them. like cocaine aka coca leaf we made into a powder with 100's of other bad chemicals!! same with Nicotine it stimulates your blood but we add things to make them bad and addictive. Every Herb Every Plant, tree, living breathing thing was created by the personal hand of God to serve a purpose while down on earth including us.. whether we decide to live a over-indulgent life or not we are Gods Children. smoking,eating,vaporizing,drinking to much is Horrible!! but in small use for a good purpose (Medicinal) is Good.
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